County Cousins, Inc.

County Cousins, Inc. stands as a tangible testament to the visionary aspirations of former lay minister Fred Barrick, who harbored a profound desire to uplift the impoverished communities of Humphreys County, Mississippi – an area grappling with some of the most entrenched poverty in the nation. What began as a singular dream has blossomed into a steadfast mission, undeterred by the passage of time or the evolution of circumstances.

Though the landscape may have shifted since its inception in 1974, the essence of County Cousins endures, faithfully addressing the pressing needs of its beneficiaries, who continue to reap the fruits of our unwavering commitment. Year after year, we rally together, both as a collective and as individuals, to extend a compassionate hand, offering essentials such as clothing, dental supplies, Christmas dolls, toys, and financial aid.

Our efforts are buoyed by the generosity of local clinics, the tireless dedication of individuals like Joyce Vorce, who lovingly crafts dolls, and the skilled hands of volunteers at the Lawyer family woodworking shop, crafting toys that bring joy to young hearts. While our methods may have evolved, our resolve remains resolute, as we adapt to ensure the efficacy and impact of our initiatives.

From the humble beginnings of multiple deliveries via the County Cousins trailer to our present-day approach of consolidated trips facilitated by a rented large trailer, our commitment to serving remains steadfast. Over the years, countless journeys have been undertaken to Mississippi, where we distribute vital resources to communities in need, partnering with local church groups and state-operated Head Start schools.

As we look ahead, the mission of County Cousins beckons all who are moved to lend their support, whether through their presence or financial contributions. We extend an open invitation to join us in our noble endeavor, knowing that it is through the collective efforts of compassionate souls that our mission thrives. To all who have contributed over the past 48 years, we express our heartfelt gratitude, recognizing that without your steadfast dedication, the transformative work of County Cousins, Inc. would not have been possible.