News and Bulletins

September 4, 2024

Come to the North court of Southbridge Mallon Friday October 18 at 5 pm, and enjoy a bedtime themed FUN fundraiser for all ages for BEDS FOR KIDS of Mason City First UMC.

Beds for Kids provides a free bed (frame, mattress and bedding) for all area children with agency referral. We will have three stations to visit – including a live storyteller – Liz Snell, bedtime snacks and relaxing music by Betsy Kirby. There will be opportunities to win prizes by playing games AND by participating in our “Best Dressed PJs” pajama contest. Come see our beds set up, and learn about our special program which has provided over 200 area children with their own place to lay their heads down safely for sweet dreams. Tickets can be purchased in advance or at the event for $25 each, or $40 for two adults and children. Please contact First United Methodist Church at 641-423-4905 or email for tickets. Tickets can be purchased at church office as well or at the door of event.


Contact Lori Elbermawy at the above information.  PS – We would love to have volunteers for this event as well!

September 4, 2024

Thank you to everyone who has sponsored radio broadcasts this year! We now have every Sunday sponsored for the rest of the year.

August 27, 2024

Come and join us Monday evenings at 5:30p in October for a book study. We will be reading and discussing The Loneliness Epidemic by Susan Mettes.

There is a sign-up sheet in the back of the sanctuary to get a book ordered for you. The cost is $14.12. If that is a financial hardship, just let the office know and we will make sure you still get a book.

Guided by current research from Barna Group, Mettes illustrates the profound physical, emotional, and social toll of loneliness in the United States. Surprisingly, her research shows that it is not the oldest Americans but the youngest adults who are loneliest and that social media can actually play a positive role in alleviating loneliness. Mettes highlights the role that belonging, friendship, closeness, and expectations play in preventing it. She also offers meaningful ways the church can minister to lonely people, going far beyond simplistic solutions–like helping them meet new people–to addressing their inner lives and the God who understands them.

August 26, 2024


Are you looking for a way to enrich your life and the lives of others? Are you looking for a safe, welcoming social group? We embrace a wide variety of ages, experiences, beliefs, and backgrounds. We value many different styles of music and strive to reach beyond the walls of our building. Music Director Scott is a long-time teacher and can help you feel comfortable reading the funny little dots and lines on the music pages.

First UMC has a long tradition of ministering through music and we need your help to sustain that. We invite you to join Chancel Choir, Beyond Praise, and/or Jubilee Bell Ringers. Why not give it a try? Rehearsals begin September 4.

August 26, 2024

The Supper Club will meet at Surf Galley on September 26, at 5:15 pm. Please sign up on the sign-up sheet in the back of the sanctuary so we have a head count.

July 30, 2024


$$$ Requested ONLY

Due to the higher cost of supplies needed for the UMCOR Dignity Kit and school bag kits, the Missions Committee has decided to request $$$ donations ONLY this year. Midwest Missions through UMCOR has the ability to purchase bulk supply items needed much cheaper and, therefore, our money donation will be able to help more people in need. A check for the total donated amount will be sent for the Mission Ingathering on Saturday November 2nd at the Fort Dodge Trinity UMC.

Please give your cash donations to the church office. Please make your checks payable to FUMC – Memo – UMCOR Kits. Donation deadline Sunday Oct 19.

Thank you for your continued generosity in helping us be the hands and feet of Christ in our world.

July 11, 2024

Have you considered using the Prayer Chain?

Pastor Judy spoke of the Prayer Chain on Sunday June 30th.

I personally have entrusted the Prayer Chain several times over the years. I find it rewarding and heartwarming to know others are praying with me and lifting my situation to God thru prayer.

Prayer does work!

All of our church family, please remember the Prayer Chain is a blessing to us. Ask for prayer when you, a family member, or a friend are in need, no matter what the situation. It is confidential.

Laree Morrise

July 10, 2024

The new Quarter Tube designation is for the Red Bird Mission. This mission aims to improve the lives of people in the rural mountains of southeastern Kentucky through programs such as food assistance and spiritual education.

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