Welcome to First United Methodist Church

We are glad you are here!

Welcome Video

Frequently Asked Questions

How do people follow along with worship? Will I be able to keep up?

The greeters will give you a bulletin as you enter the sanctuary, you can follow along on there as well as on the screens that are placed throughout the sanctuary.

Where should I park? How do I get to the worship area?

We have a large parking lot on the east side of the church that you are welcome to use or you can use any of the free street parking. When parking in the parking lot, please use the southeast door facing the parking lot. If you get confused, there are signs on the outside of the building. If you need the elevator please use the South elevator entrance. You can also enter through the main sanctuary doors on the southwest corner of the building facing Georgia Ave.

I'm nervous in new social situations. Will I have to talk to people?

We do have greeters at the main doors. If you really want to minimize your interactions you can use the elevator entrance.

I have a disability. Can I still participate in worship?

Absolutely! If you have specific questions please call the office at 641-423-4905.

People like me aren't welcome at every church. What about yours?

We strive to be welcoming to everyone wherever you are on your spiritual journey. You are welcome to call the office (641-423-4095) and set up a meeting with the Pastor or the Christian Administrator prior to attending worship if that would make you feel more comfortable.

Description of our service:

We have a more traditional service, with hymns, a chancel choir, scripture and a message and prayers.

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